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Two products of Sunway have been identified as the first set of major technical equipment products in Sichuan Province
The number of browse:30The Publishing time:2023-02-20

Recently, Sichuan Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology and Sichuan Finance Department jointly issued the "Announcement of product identification of the first set of materials, the first batch of software and the first batch of major technical equipment in Sichuan in 2022". Sunway Co., Ltd.'s "Ultra-high voltage power cable" and "High flame retardant and low release cable for urban rail" were identified as the first set of products in the province.


安宁市| 凌源市| 嵊泗县| 四平市| 潜山县| 壶关县| 濉溪县| 响水县| 盐亭县| 墨竹工卡县| 鄂州市| 昭平县| 北碚区| 开原市| 库尔勒市| 桂林市| 农安县| 彰化县| 大埔区| 定西市| 云龙县| 平度市| 东宁县| 工布江达县| 丰原市| 冕宁县| 霞浦县| 卓尼县| 蒙自县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 连云港市| 巴彦县| 阿瓦提县| 岳普湖县| 韶关市| 南靖县| 绥阳县| 白朗县| 西青区| 庆元县| 灵川县|